Saturday, October 27, 2007

Road House (1989)

Patrick Swayze
Sam Elliott

Plot summary: Patrick Swayze cleans up a small town bar


Tits McGee said...

I don't know how any review of Road House can fail to include the phrase the sustains me: "Pain don't hurt."

Also, you failed to mention that in the final fight scene, Ben Gazzara goes after Swayze with giant African spear. It's fucking awesome.

Road House = Best. Movie. Evar.

slappy said...

Tits: I guess I was blinded at the foolishness of attacking Swayze with a spear. You need a flamethrower minimum.

Earl: Maybe he was the best before Swayze, but this is clearly a case of the student surpassing the master. Gravely voice or no.